
11/11 Grand Opening ;D

by - November 11, 2010

good evening , everyone !

yeah~ the nice date for my blog, 11/11
actually, i created this blog few weeks ago, jz waiting for a perfect date to release .
Ah, everything was quite okay by now, the gadgets or template !
yes, noticed the background n the layout?
designed by myself :D teehee, imah so proud of it. though its quite hard -.-
stupid blogger design, 1800x 1600 but only 300kb file was allow ! wth!
therers nothing with 1800x1600 v only 300kb !
its quite ridiculous ! so, i decided to use only 500+x 600+ picture from my album
that only be able to cover half side of mah blog !

Talking bout the background, the awesome girl was Mio from K-On!!
yeah~ im addicted to this anime since few weeks ago

K-On ! season 1 n K-On!! season 2 !
click it for your all info ;]
its about 5 teen girl in a band--- Hokago Tea Time 
Light Music club [ Keion bu] member :

Hirasawa Yui -----the only one, my beloved !
Mio Akiyama ----- the cry baby, every guys moe moe!
Ritsu Tainaka ----- the rhythm girl, the silly leader !
Tsumugi Kotobuki ----- the silk thread , the soft doll !
Azusa Nakano ------ the neko girl, Azu-nyann !

it was a nice story without romance between gals n guys
its only a normal yet unpredictable life of few young girls in secondary high
therers all about friendship, schools, exam, band, performance, practice n music !
this anime made me laugh like an insane everytime
Yui plays the important part, with her silly n cute behavior, u definitely could not resist xD

The music ! yes ! their songs ! was awesome, im addicted until now !
The first season anime's opening theme is "Cagayake! Girls" by Aki Toyosaki with Yōko Hikasa, Satomi Satō and Minako Kotobuki.
The ending theme is "Don't Say 'Lazy'" by Hikasa with Toyosaki, Satō and Kotobuki.
The second season anime's first opening theme is "Go! Go! Maniac" and the first ending theme is "Listen!!"; both songs are sung by Toyosaki, Hikasa, Satō, Kotobuki, and Taketatsu.
AND MY FAVOURITE ! FUWA FUWA TIME !  ふわふわ時間 Light and Fluffy Time

Go HERE for the lyrics !

I cried for 20th epi of 2nd season D;
their last performance in the school aww....
oppss shh...=X wanna know more about it,
go buy the dvd of K-On! or watch it on PPS
I aint gonna tell u much more about it xD
but 1 thing for sure, this anime gonna influence you to learn guitar ! or even having a band !

p.s did i mention that im an Otaku ? yes, im ;D

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