
けいおん! K-On ! sketch

by - November 13, 2010

Sunshine everyone !

Since you had already know that Im currently obsessive with K-On,
I drew a piece of picture about them yesterday =]

sketches are fun, but its harder than you ever thought.
It need practices, lots of practices to improve your skills,
passion to draw a perfect one,
and patience to make your drawing more perfect.
you even have to accept insults from others to help you improve.
[ thought by 1 senpai [ senior], Hem.]

Ah yes, I do, I have another 1 senpai [senior], Sam that insult my every drawing.
though he is really really mean [ owns an evil heart of demon ],
as long as its not nonsense, just accept it.

you don't need an art class to teach you draw manga, Youtube or HERE got everything. =] seriously.

Lets go on to MY sketch, [ though its not so nice, gomen =( ]


Start by making the shapes for the head, face and body parts ( arms and cloths )
Then,  sketching out their hairstyle starting with the bangs, follow by other hair accessories.
After that, add in more detail for their cloths ( ties, jackets, collar, buttons, layer of cloths) 
Finish up by completing the rest of your characters figure ( hands and fingers)

The important part : Their eyes. Soul of the picture.
Its at the both side of their upper part of their faces.
Make sure that the gab between the two eyes are far enough, else it will become damn awkward.
Draw it bigger than you plan, its nicer ( my opinion)

Insert some bubbles into their eyes, creating their souls.

Done any adjustment then trace your figures' lines by ink.
Be confident !
After that, erase all your pencil lines.
Its now a clean n clear drawing if yours.

Finally, color their eyes, make some shadows and lines.
All done.

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  1. i tot only me will insult ur drawing...anyway...improved lor...

  2. http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=31379969&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=151656568182269&id=1597100107

    see how those pro critic -.-
    u idiot dun hv the prior to insult me ! u dun even know manga -.-

  3. i DRAW time u not even born la, aunty
