
Importance of watermark

by - November 16, 2010

* to all readers, this post contain 99% of rude, vulgar, uncivilized words, you can leave now if you dun like it.*

Im sweating now
no i din fucked up with somebody -.-

its worse -.-
all right here its go.

its a damn boring day, I hv been clicking my MH horn since morning till now -.-
I commented on Stewart status, who was trying to get a textbook been stole by idiot.
Hell ya then,it started on meh ! my fb notification pop up
['Ihsan Sin's Chan D'sc made your photo his profile picture. 4:45pm]
 at first, I was like : aww, its nice what, at least somebody like my drawing 
and then I click in
whattfuck, he tagged few of his friend on MY drawing.
hell faggot, what the hell are you trying to do ?
steal my drawing n admit + showing off it was your?

shit then, I was still trying not to believe 
but I quickly commented there n claim the drawing was mine. 
oh then he came in, * read his comment in the picture*

few minutes later,
he posted a stupid wall post on my wall. Faggot !
* read what he wrote*
oh, so he is admitting that he stole my picture lo? correct ma? 
no steal why come sorry? no steal why guilty ?
what the hell

what the fuck
my drawing is officially been stole !!! 
oh ya -.-
and they are what the hell, i duno what to say.
Im so pissing off.

and one of his friend 
tagged me in a drawing he drew ( im not sure bout that) its real nice
ya i really like it.
oh fuck
i duno what the faggot has how many account
I started confuse about who is who then
I commented on his fren drawing.
ya smth pissing offing words 
*read yourselves*

fucking sheet, what the hell ?
I duno what actually they are talking or acting ! 
im so holy-fucking-bursting-out-flame-or-whatever

then i click on to the faggot wall
I saw tht actually they are just FOLLING AROUND what the fuck
I know that drawing isn't vry nice but its still MINE !
so if u wanna take away, jz get my permission or get it after my watermark is there !
what the fuck
i know malay, just ur fucking malay is so shortform until i can barely understand -.-
babi are babi! -.-
*read here*

everyone was right, no matter u wanna post anything to anywhere , remember to make it YOURs  ! Put Your watermark or Sign your name !
write your name big big infront ur text book next time oso ! remember !
what the fuck!

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