
Kiki's Delivery Service

by - December 03, 2010

 Recently, I just bought a pair of shoe
yes, the shoe in the picture
people of you, might been wondering
why, me as a 15 teenage girl, would prefer this pair of old fashion shoe?
well, it is because, when i first saw this pair, it reminds me of Kiki's Delivery Service by Studio Ghibli
The shoe wanted by Kiki to made up her mind to start earning.

 When every witches reach 13, its traditional that they to have a training alone, living independently.
 The day of Kiki depart, her mum give her a stronger flying broom to ensure her safety.
Kiki and Jiji settles down in a town, Koriko, a town by the sea.

as the good deed she done for Osono, the bakery owner, Osono provided her shelter.

a boy, Tombo was admired by Kiki's flying ability
and to gain Kiki's attention, Tombo prefer teasing and making fun of Kiki,
by joking about her black outfit.
Kiki was then started minding about her look.

Kiki saw this pair of shoe, and she wanted to have them.
So she try harder to earn more money by offering a delivery service.

when she was delivering a cat toy for a little boy, a gust came by and causing Kiki lost her balance and the toy fall into the jungle.
Time is getting nearer, so Kiki decided to send Jiji as the toy for the boy until she found the real toy.

She met Ursula, a painter found the toy cat.
Kiki told her the whole story and ursula promised to help her get back Jiji.
Ursula also offered Kiki to become a model for her next painting.

After a delivery in the rain, Kiki caught a fever.
Eventually, she lost her flying power and she cant even spoke to Jiji.
That was the most miserable moment in Kiki's life.

Fortunately, Ursula came for a visit and she invites her to stay in her forest cottage.
And she painted a painting that gave Kiki's hopes and confidence to reclaim her power.

 While visiting a customer back to the town, she saw a accident in which Tombo is lifted into the air and blown away hanging from a dirigible.

 Kiki was very worried and force herself to regain her flying ability to save Tombo.

 Kiki grabs a broom from a street sweeper and tries to fly, but she failed. Concentrating her energy and focus, she finally succeeds and takes off to rescue Tombo.
Finally, Kiki grab Tombo's hand and slowly settle onto the ground surrounded by cheers of crowd.
Everyone was cheering for Kiki and Tombo.

Kiki and Tombo's friendship gain better.
Tombo also achieved his dream to fly in the sky with his invention with Kiki's help.

 By then, Jiji found his love and married too !
  The story ended after Kiki's parents received her letter telling them that she likes the city.

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  1. so, i no need to watch the cartoon liao la horr.U ald told the whole story.zzz

  2. yala abo? LOL
    no la some interesting part between her n Tombo i lazy write oso LOL
