
Bunny that bites

by - November 19, 2010

Hehe, am I cute ?
(I know you just said it ;])

I was given Cloudy as my name when I was 1st bought by 1 young man n 1 young lady.
They bought me in a roadside market in Penang for only RM35. ( am I cheap? hmm)
Actually imma lionhead breed bunny, i hv short ears and cottontail.
My dad, Jorad n my mum, Jasmine.
They put me inside my mum's room, i ran where ever i want. (teehee)
When i was hungry, i eat candles, paper, woodpieces, newspaper or whatever thing i can chew n swallow that can be found in the room.
I even bites wires when my teeth is growing, n I hv to grind them. (gharigharigharighari~)
My parents give me some white bread to eat when im out of food n they are busy. (oh well, i like bread too, better than my pet food.)

One day, my parents send me to my dad's side grandparents house.
From that day onwards, im staying there.
They gave me a new name called Dino ( Dinosaur)
I dun care why, n i dun ask either, as long as i hv food to eat. ( nummmnummm~~)

My new house, I have sleepy face -.-
I have a big bungalow to stay, i can even run inside there.
sometimes, my grandparents just let me running outside. ( afraid that i might become obese o___o)
I like being outside, its fun to wonder around.
But sometimes i get scared by stupid cats or speeding cars.( I would get heart attack)
I hate cats the most -.- because me and rodents are actually been referred to together as members of the superclass Glires.
I dislike bathing too, I am phobia to water x.x
so, I jz have my bath once every 3 months.
My mum even get my hair cut everytime before my bath, else my fur is too long and nasty.
I am frustrated when my dad always bully me, I become furious and i do BITES!( pfff..pffffff)
(grrrrrr.......im gonna BITE YOU!)
I always bite my dad or mum or who bully me, thats why I have been called Dino ( Dinosaur) by my grandparents. My grandmum likes that. Duh, somehow, they jz call me bun bun, rabbit, lemii or whatever.

But i do like when people in the house fondle my hair gently and stroking my body.
I will lie down quietly there.
only my dad can hold my hands. I dislike humans touching my paws. Its my most sensitive area.

Gahh, sometimes I get angry bcos i dun like my food -.- (im a doe, i get angry always)
I use my head to push up my bowl and all my food are scattering all around the floor.
Oh no, my grandmum would be scolding me x.x

I LOVE bread or biscuit.
Whenever I smell bread or biscuit, I will be standing up and beg for whoever eating that.
Yes indeed, Im so greedy and lazy bun x.x
Plese do come and play with me,I might die bcos of loneliness x.x and dun forget my bread or biscuit!

Cloudy aka Dino

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  1. Wah, yr rabbit vr cute.. Lion head vr hard to get de lor.. Mine is cheek thr thick fur.. always bite one.

  2. Hehe thx :3 actually it is now pure lionhead, maybe a hybrid. Rabbits isn't nice -.-
