Digital watermark.
It is undeniable that, we, the one who taking drawing or photographing as our main hobby, draw and take photos as an important part of our lives.
We learn and work hard to improve our skills, it is unfair if someone took our hard work and claim that it was hers/his.
So, that is the reason why we need digital watermark to prevent online thieves !
Digital Watermark
Digital watermarking is the process of embedding information into a digital signal in a way that is difficult to remove.It is for security, a decorative or informational element.
One application of watermarking is in copyright protection systems, which are intended to prevent or deter unauthorized copying of digital media.
In the older time, watermark are produce by using Dandy roll process and Cylinder mould process
But now, digital watermark can be create by using various softwares that can be easily obtain or download from the cyber world.
The software that I currently using--- 美图秀秀
method : 打开一张图片 > choose your picture > 文字 > 静态文字 > type in your bookmark, edit it.> 保存
actually it is not only for watermarking, more about editing your pictures.
Loaded with tons of easy ways for effect-editing your pictures, you would not regret download this app.
Advisable method :
- No download / installation required
- Adobe Photoshop
- Paint >> the most basic way.
- Winwatermark
- Watermark-Software
- Watermarker