

by - December 30, 2010

Inbox me any number between 1 and 2, and I'll make my status your number and what I think about you. Fun thing is, only you and me know what your number is. I dare you to post this as your status.
PS. I can blog about you more if you want to :D 
just click [Like] on the 1st short post about you.

Special blog post about 8 

You are the 1st proper blogger I met, introduced by my sister.
1st post I saw in your blog was about your pay by the nuffnang company.
You are holding RM400 in your hand in that picture, its still in my mind.
Since then, I start believing Nuffnang, tat company really pay cash !
So, I created this blog, with nuffnangs. Began with an aim to earn money through blogging.
Stalking your blog was quite fascinating, seeing you shooting back those cowards who try to gain attention from everyone :D
Best thing ever in your blog was about your dozens of pets : teddy bear hamster and your dino !!
It is great to know a non-stingy blogger teaching others how to earn more in blogging and giving everyone tips to success in blogging.
Last but not least, you are just like my sifu in blogging larh :)

if you feel you are lost
kindly click my 8's BLOG

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