
Ikea : Mad Moment !

by - December 01, 2010

Up from Bukit Tinggi
Down to KL
way to Damansara
off to IKEA

Home furnishings heaven !

Searching for the entrance using the stupid non-artificial-intelligence-GPRS
thats nuts
drive through the highway twice before we found the route to the car park
sms Ting Wei n Wei Hon
conclusion is
KL ppl dun like Ikea
They said, they have no idea -.-
dun know how to get into Ikea's car park
oh yeah, after the twice turning
turn left and you will saw the big parking place
remember to turn right before you past through Ikea

Yes we found the car park
but what the heck?!
KL ppl do like Ikea
and vry vry vry vry vry vry vry much !
theres zero parking slot there!
we cant go back now right! ?
we turn around n around n around n around
like half hour
oh babe finally found 1 -.-

went into
showroomoh gosh i wish my house has these any 1 design in the future
it is unbelieveable
anything u need for ur house
u can get it here
from carpet to light bulbs
from tiles to fans
from stoves to plates
from bed sheets to pillow case
anything !

variety choises
variety colours
variety shapes
variety inspirations !

ikea makes u feel like home
u can jump on the display bed
squeeze the big giant lady bug on the floor
play with the miniature kitchen
not like usual
: please do not sit on the bed
neh~~ who cares in ikea?

just walk around
touch around
shake anything

well, I dun need anything by that time
not table or chairs or whatever that might usable for me
so, im quite fascinated by those boxes
boxes that might tidy up my room!
or even make my tiny room to look bigger!

thats how amazing Ikea was
awesome furniture that maximize your living area

i saw this in the children's Ikea
I like the design LOL
ya right~ im prefer kiddy stuff
so what? as long as i like it~
its not for you~
so non of your business ;P
I want these either!
but i bought these :D

when i run back to try to get the magazine file
i was LOST in the mall !
Ikea was like the whole Prai Carrefor size
and the customers was like sardines in a can !
ya way too crowded
I jz follow the sign to the restaurant
cos i remembered when the last spot my mum was
its near the Ikea restaurant
as i walk n walk n walk
why i din see these before?
where am I?
all i know i jz look up
see the signboard
follow the sign
and the arrows
i jog finish the whole showroom -.-
i almost cry when i knew i was lost !

after reunited with my mum n sis
we went to the restaurant
were hungry like hell lol
but yet
the restaurant was crowded too!
i was wondering where are those ppl came from?
whole KL?

I ate this ! i think it was the cheapest meal u can find in KL. It cost only RM14 ! just like the price in Butterworth man !
the chicken was juicy n tender n of course yum yum...
but the potato n the carrot? yuck...izit raw ? eww...i din even dare to touch LOL!
Nice french fries too! but the meatball?
emm...not to my liking
but my mum n sis like it vry much
hmm...i ate only 1 lol
i dun really like the taste n i am allergic to beef either :[ so hmm...no thanks!
For more about Ikea's restaurant
Quickly headed to Market hall and grab all the things we want !

market hall is definitely a heavenly hell !
cos we can grab everything we want here and our money will be flying away !
true right?
muahahahahah! xD
all things u see in the showroom is finely packed and compress here
take your trolley and fill in what you want !
theres even a place for you to test your bulbs ! ( i like this xD)
is there any other place provide this service?
emm...idk ~
finally saw my boxes located !
search every where i just cant find my kiddy drawer!
oh shitty...
nvm i jz walk further
grab myself a set of 3 cans !!!!!!!!!
did u know that a christmas theme can and a regular can with the size cost diff about RM15 ?
the regular can cost only 9.90 and the christmas theme can cost 25! wtf!!!
LOL so make sure you spend wisely !
my sis bought some board and some tables
u know, the tables in the ads that dance Gee by SNSD?
that only cost 29.9
ya thats it !
i din bought it cos when i sit down on the floor the table already reaches my necks -.-
oh well..short person short body can fit me well
so, please do try the furniture and think rationally before you pay for it !

i still cant find my kiddy drawer =[
then i brave up myself and ask the staff
really damn hell
he told me that drawer
: only at upstairs ( showroom)
so...just grab it when u already saw ur fav in the showroom LOL
but if u have enough time, just ask for the staff help and run back to showroom and grab ur fav
the problem was...i was out of time
my mum was paying that time ( so heartless =[ )
so i jz gave up buying that kiddy drawer TT

before you leave
please do check ur receipt
and return back the yellow book ( Ikea's catalog)to the check-out as you leave
lol..we took 2 books but we din return it !
not purposely duh ! just we din see the notice on the book =P

Still confuse on how to shop? click HERE before u headed Ikea
For more info, please log on to http://www.ikea.com.my/

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