
Karnival Matematik @ AEON Jusco, Bukit Mertajam.

by - April 07, 2011

A Maths Carnival organized by Petrosains was held in AEON, Bandar Perda, Bukit Mertajam at the mid of March 2011.

I went there at 19/3/2011, just to observe some competitions and support my friend Tzer Chuan. :D
He was participating in a rubik cube competition with his brother.

Rubik's Cube
Sadly I was late for his turn as he already gave up in that competition =3=.
I only managed to see him go upstage and take his prizes. He went up stage and fashing down from the stage. See this photo was totally a failure =A=...why cant u stand nice nice and let me take nice nice photo leh ?
He came to me and handed me a piece of dinosaur sticker.

Its kinda stupid but...this is the 1st time boy gave me something and forced to keep it :3 blush*

The competition ended at 4pm and start a shortlisted section at 5pm. Between the gab, I went to solve some Maths quizzes and not surprisingly, I cant even solve 1 of it...how miserable am I? I gave up and went to Popular Bookstore. Frantically, my mum let me to hang out myself and she agreed to go somewhere else !!!! Its really once a BLUE MOON!!! Mostly she will be sticking with me -.- Me and him met there again and we are just hanging around aimless. He he tossed 1 book for me titled The Wimpy Kid Diary. 

 Roarrr !!! I read the blue 1 and I want itttt !!!!!!!!!!! But it cost me RM30...kinda damnnnnn -.-

Then walk around, he kept chasing me singing The Reason by Hoobastank. @@ during the moment...i really wanna throw some books at him and ask him to shut up ( kidding xP).

Then its 5pm again, we went to the center court to continue the competition. Theres alot of amazing guys training playing their cubes no matter 3x3, 5x5 up to 11x11 or even Pyramid. The awesome part is, they could solve all of it by seconds !!! I cant even solve 1 3x3 by forever -.-How embarrassing again...

 The second section started, and I saw 1 Caucasian really really caught my eyes. He is tall, he got really good looking, fair white skin and the most important part is, HE IS BRILLIANT ! He could solve 1 3x3 rubik in 14 sec !!! can u imagine that ?


 I am so into him...
Get caught by Tzer Chuan =3=
 Ohw man...he melted my heart...............

 He got his prize
 Ranking 7 Tim Maller for Germany ( Love Die)

Theres another 1 who caught my attention either :]
Tzer Chuan's sister, Peini or as I always call her as Penny.
Well I listened to her voice singing songs to me long time ago but I finally can met her ^^

 shes so chubby and cute just as I imagine. This photo was taken by his big brother when she was participating in the colouring contest.
I really miss her alot...

Till then, I still believe fate can bring us together.
We dont have to plan weeks ago for a date. 
If the God wanted both of u to meet, nothing can stop it. 
Nothing need to be done.
This is the how we say...consequences meeting :D

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