
Japanese Language And Culture Camp

by - March 18, 2011

12/3, The day to attend a Japanese Language And Culture Camp organized by SMK St George, Penang.
Its not a Sunny day yet not a Stormy day. But its definitely a freaking unlucky morning. 7am departed from school, only 15 of us and Pn Saw, by an old rusty small but air-conded school bus. When we were 'oversea-ed', the bus driver stopped suddenly and we were told that one of the tire was punctured .

Ohw man, what a GREAT DAY...
luckily, we managed to be on time . Registered and we got into our respective group. I got One Piece as my group :D Others like Bleach, Hellsing, Romeo X Juliet, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya etc. 

We were told to study on some famous animes such as Naruto, One Piece, Doraemon, Tsubasa Chronicles, The Grave of Fireflies, Jigoku Shoujo etc etc...  

8:30am ice breaking session, name tag with same colour were told to gather together. One Piece & Bleach were combined. We got 6 members from same school were in the same group!Then, we learned some moves from different genre like Comedy, Horror, Tragedy, Action and Romance. Together, we must use those moves whether to defend ourselves. Group which failed to use the correct move would got to do BUTT WRITTING. Comedy and Tragedy did it :D

Time for station games. Facilitators wearing Yukata were in-charged leading groups. 1st we have to guest the anime and the genre from a rhythm gave by our group facilitators. 
1st ans was Naruto, Action.
So we got to move on to Action Genre station. We learned about weapons and martial arts of Japan. Then, by using the katana given, we must burst the balloons and find some pictures for us to complete a drawing. Done it, we move on to section where we have to find shurikens embedded under sands and strike them into a bin. Thats our 1st station, quite fun actually.

Next rhythm given  was a line of curse use by Enma Ai. I ans the rhythm and its Jigoku Shoujo, Horror. Next station should be Horror Genre Station but we were lead to Tragedy Genre Station ( blur la~) In this station, we have to completed gazillions of task in couples (like brother and sister in The Graveyard of Fireflies). After done it,we have to run into a classroom to eat Cucumbers spread with Wasabi and Tabasco sauce. DAMN ! I swallowed them without chewing -.-

Next station, Comedy Genre. indoor game, we were divided  into 2 groups. We have to toss newspaper spitball into some cups with Doraemon characters on it. Different character represent different marks. Outdoor game, we have to search for Doraemon's body parts and stick them together.

Then, Horror Genre Station. We got to search for the missing parts that have the same mark of a doll by completing all the task given. Eventually, we cant find any, cos we got the doll that have the same mark with another group. 2 groups searching for same parts, how ridiculous -.-

Last station, Romance Genre Station. There, we were introduced to some MORE animes like Fruit Basket, Ouran High School , Kimi ni todoke etc etc etc... After that, those stationers attacked us with flours, and the flours got into my eyes. Man its sore like hell ! yet nobody knows -.- Till my friend get a stationer to bring to wash my eyes in the toilet. 4 in group, we have to serve a stationer, one of us got to drink HOT water in 30sec (just boiled, nobody can finish it for sure -.-), so we hv been force to dance...Next ! Drama part, none of us understand the script so, we didn't complete it...[ lousy station]


provided Japanese meal  

Then we continued our compete on Monogatari Quest aka Story Writing Competition.
2 members of our group will be selected as Sudden Story Writer and others write own group story.
As we were writing, songs were playing and pile was passing around to groups. When the pile reaches you, the selected writer must go infront and continue others story.
While me, writing own group story with clue searched like japanese words or some anime quotes.

I still remembered my story was titled Mahao Academy ( Magical Academy) its about a Young talented girl who entered the academy and met a silver-haired guy. Then she followed him when recess time and review a magical book with aurora beam. She fainted n when she woke up, she realize she was in the boy's hug. Their story begin.

And it is. Out of our expectation, our group, One Piece won the 1st Place !!!!!
It was an  amazing camp though and cute prize we got.

So proud of myself able to get a state level 1st place quest :D

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