
Kuih Kapit ( Kueh Kapek)

by - January 24, 2011

Chinese New Year is reaching soooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yoohhhhhhh just 1 week ahead you know !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its nothing for me leh act but at least i can sleep longer mah...LOL
Then i got lotsa lotsa rubbish to swallow
like: kerepek ubi, kerepek pisang, bahlu, honeycomb biscuit, muruhku, green pea, jam tart and last but not least KUIH KAPIT aka Love letter.
Kuih Kapit/ Love letter is one of the Chinese Traditional food which will be enjoy during every Chinese New Year.

This delicacy is usually homemade with different style.
The process are hard and only expert from generations will be able to make the best taste of Kuih Kapit.
Its lucky for me because I saw an auntie making kuih kapit infront of her house recently.
Im so excited to see it but my mum thought im a moron cos it is a common thing for her.
Well, as a child born in a urban city like me, where else you can find this ?

 1st , pour the mixture onto the kuih kapit moulds.
 2nd, heat the mould on the charcoal stove with moderate warmth.
 3rd, trim the kuih kapit when it is half done.
 4th, always observe the condition of the kuih kapit, when it turns golden brown, its done. Remove it from the mould.

 5th, immediately fold it into a triangle or roll it like a cigarettes. Then it is ready to be enjoy !

 Nice and crispy !

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