
DIY Chinese New Year Card

by - January 29, 2011

 Probably you were thinking that im a moron
cos its now CNY n im still posting xmas card making post
okay luu...now im going to show u how to make a Chinese New Year greeting card
recently did this cos i participated in a card making competition in my school
but i din win any stuff...not even consolation prize leh...so bad la them D;


 1stly, fold your pink A4 card into half

 stick another light yellow paper inside the pinky card
 make 2 symmetrical stick to each side of the card
 cut a red card into an 'A' shape
 fold it into half
 cut the card horizontally with half cm each ( dont cut till the end)
 open it up
 and cut the middle
 take 2 and paste them on the stick just now
 repeat for 2 pair
 make a square luck (福) on top of the fire crackers
did you realize that im making fire crackers ? !_!
 take the leftovers and cut into this shapes
we are making new year scrolls (春联)
 this is how i planed
cute bunny for bunny year !
 make pop-up for the scrolls too
 pop-up for the bunny
 stick the together
 stick them to the edge of the card.
 make another square Luck (福)inverse symbolic 福到 (福倒) good luck arriving
the cover of the card is quite simple la
perhaps you can make it more nice with ur creativity and imagination :D


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  1. I enjoy this post of yours,very interesting . I love this new year greeting card tutorial, it was a great idea and I really inspired by this. So, thank you for sharing and I hope that you have a wonderful New Year ahead.
    Happy Holidays !!
    Cheers !!
