
Happy Chinese New Year !

January 31, 2011 / BY eewenn
Happy Chinese New Year everyone !新年快乐!兔年吉祥! Happy Chinese New Year everyone !新年快乐!兔年吉祥! ...

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DIY Chinese New Year Card

January 29, 2011 / BY eewenn
 Probably you were thinking that im a moron cos its now CNY n im still posting xmas card making post okay luu...now im going to show u how to make a Chinese New Year greeting card recently did this cos i participated in a card making competition in my school but i din win any stuff...not even consolation prize leh...so bad la them D; REQUEST: BUNNY* RED*  1stly, fold your pink A4 card into half...

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DIY Christmas Card ( a lost card )

January 29, 2011 / BY eewenn
 Made this card last Christmas for a friend staying on Penang Island agreed on our deal sent this card with 60cents stamp until now He still havent receive it the card is officially lost ;-; Im gonna show some steps about the making of this card REQUEST: Prefer yellow* Bears*  fold into half of a piece of brown A4 card  paste 2 light yellow card on both side of the brown card  paste abother yellow...

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Kuih Kapit ( Kueh Kapek)

January 24, 2011 / BY eewenn
Chinese New Year is reaching soooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yoohhhhhhh just 1 week ahead you know !!!!!!!!!!!!! Its nothing for me leh act but at least i can sleep longer mah...LOL Then i got lotsa lotsa rubbish to swallow like: kerepek ubi, kerepek pisang, bahlu, honeycomb biscuit, muruhku, green pea, jam tart and last but not least KUIH KAPIT aka Love letter. Kuih Kapit/ Love letter is one of the Chinese Traditional food which will be enjoy...

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