
Industrial Training @ Taiwan D1

by - March 30, 2015

*warning* broken english + uncheck grammar and spelling + negativity + maybe some wrong translations and vocab*
so today is my first day of work. but then urgh whatever. im blogging here from today onwards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

okay so i arrived quite early, 20 minutes walk. then i just sit outside until a vet assistant came and guided me in. she took me around and visited the fucking 5 levels of building. and went to see every assistants and vet there. everyone was like so fucking busy and dont even have time to look at my face. i was like, die lo, why they no friendly de ? they dun like me isit ? . then the assistant too me and gave me 2 scrubs (the green2 clothes that doctor wear for surgery). so she told me i am going to wear this everyday i come to work. i was like: okay, so i dont have to worry about my fashion ? (what shit fashion, now u dont even have a life please) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

everyone was like so busy, nobody have time to guide me what i need to.  do.  so i have a strong sense feeling i dont belong here, insecurity, hopeless, stupid, u are nobody. the vet doctor that suppose to guide was on MC today so i just followed everyone that needed help. but then when i ask do they need any help, they said it was okay. then i lagilah feeling not needed.

the first task i was asked to help is to hold a rabbit that a vet wanted to inject for rehydration( a fucking 50ml syringe =.= ) on it and force feed. then it kept moving so the vet said it is very dangerous. i was like haih sorry la i hold a rabbit also cannot. sad die me.  then one of the assistant saw me so retard then she went and teach me how to hold a rabbit properly. and how to discharge the used equipments, sterilize equipments, preparing the sets for surgery.
after that some customers kept coming in continuously so i get the chance to observe and listen to how the vet talk to them and do diagnosis + analysis.
here are some treatment that i observed the whole day ( i feel so stupid just standing beside, but they say it is okay)
1. force feeding (灌食(草粉)), injection for rehydration (皮下點滴). ( they check the dehydration buy pulling up the skin and see how fast the skin went back to normal shape, so when the skin is shaggy and slow to reshape back, it means it is dehyrated. normal bunnies' skin reshape back quite immediately)
2. castrations of 2 sugar gliders. i was amazed that how fast the surgery can be done, just under 10 minutes. first they use gas anestasia ( 氣麻 (氣體全身麻醉)) either in a box or by using mask. then shaving the balls. sterilize the balls. keeping track the breathing rate is very important so that the animal do not die suddenly =.= cut open the scrotum, pressing out the testis, pull out, then tying up the gland. seal back with the tissue glue (組織膠) dont even need stitches what the heck ! wait until they wake up then they can go home ! just make sure that they didnt bite their wound.
3. then some other animals general checkup. a. asking for appetite b. body activities c. environment temperature. then start doing the general process. 1. weighing 2. excretion analysis 3.blood test 4. x-ray. then checking for the ear, eyes, mouth, palpating the abdomen and an ECG test.
4. one lizard that do not have sufficient heat supply was sick and lungs got infected. ( insuficient heat > decreasing of immune system > infections) the owner didnt know that it need one direct supply of heat. so the symptoms was decresing of appetite, soft and liquid excretion, inwards curve of eyes, inflame and fungal infected appendages.
5. rabbits and guinea pigs need different and alot of vege for different ages. soft shelled tortoise are recommended to take in supplement of calcium. reptiles needed alot of heat supply. 貂 (furret or fruit fox or racoon lol wth i didnt check) cannot take in sugars.
6. saw one admitted bunny got a hole above its nose at the nasal cavity. i asked what happened. and one rabbit expert told me that it got too much secretions and blockage at the nasal cavity, but the usual treatment didnt work. so they decided to drill a hole at the nasal cavity ( wtffffffff) but she told me it can heal much later on.
so i will be working 3 days then off 1 day from 9am-6pm. they provide lunch so it saved alot of money actually. the lunch box was very good. and a big cup of bubble tea.
conclusion, i feel worthless and stupid and hopeless. wth i spent these 2 years learning in dkhp ? im tired. my legs are killing me cuz i didnt have chance to sit the whole day. but grateful at the same i have chance to learn alot about these exotic animals. and yummy lunch lol.

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