
KL food / shops / pets!

by - December 29, 2012

Hey yo !
Sorreh for being dead so long !
call me lazy 
i dont mind lol.

yeah SPM's over
hectic form 5 life is over
so after the miserable car practise and tests
i manage to sneak out of my town 
and visited my relative in KL
to prevent the continue growing of mould ! 

well who say KL dont hv good food ?
though it is a lil pricey than penang :)

this one is the seafood fun ( kuey teow) near Connaught Market
you can toss as much as seafood into it 
and prepare for the price huhu
this one like this cost RM18 @@
too expensive for meh... though it is really nice and the seafood are fresh

for drink, KL is famous for its sam sek milk tea
tea + milk + gula melaka 
tea fragrance mix with the sweetness of milk and gula melaka
the awesome taste you cant imagine

then I followed my mom to visit her old friend in Sri Petaling
we met at the carefour there 
and i saw this precious in the DIY shoplet
you will know why i would call this precious later on 

and later we met another mom's friend at her house
she got 6 cats LOL!
6 fat cats!
though i only saw 5, and another one is said to have autism 
 cuz it does not like other human 
well other 5 is just so friendly that i changed my mind of racist about cats LOL

this particular big fat cat is really huge and bigger than others
well its owner said that he started to gain weight after had him neutered
cuz he stop chasing other female cats outside and rape them
he just stayed at home eat and sleep
so he became this marvellous size   

they like to sleep on each other 
and fight 

this fat cat likes me obviously lol
he came and stick to my leg and slept

and he likes to push against my fat leg using his paws OwO
silly fat cat.

anddd after showing u guys the cats
now I present to you the 3 mini pups at my relative's house!!! 

from the left, connie, cannie and yonnie ( hope i spelled the names right OwO)
they are really small tiny mini 
and look so fragile 
you need to be extra gentle when carrying them
though they are really active and greedy
for mini buns especially ( dog treats)  

then we sat commuter and head to Subang Jaya to met another mum's friend
she brought us to the most delicious pan mee 面对面
just beside Taylor Subang Campus
this is definitely the signature delicacy in KL 
( penang one not nice seriously ) : X

and we went Sunway Pyramid and i saw this
i thought it was a real pokemon shirt
and when i rushed towards it and see closely enough
i LOLed
Got trolled seriously
haha POKE ME 

bought this pretty pikachu for RM2
the look is consider precise for a made in china toy

before we get back
this aunty brought us to the Pontian wantan mee to have this
different from what I used to have
with chilies mix with the black soy sauce
and the wantan ( dumpling) got salted fish's meat !
how awesome is that huh ?
i still miss this by now...

now here is the reason 
i brought the big one cuz i had the small one ! 
and they glow in the dark !

Pikachu collection of mine :D 

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