
Another missing Christmas Card

by - January 13, 2012

2011 another sweet Christmas for the year
so decided to make card again for one of my friend.
Its kinda complicated card as compare to the previous 1.

Blue Theme for this!
proper estimate
model making
whole proper model making
real serious measurements
cut them out,
fold it
to 2 linking boxes

measuring the base
cut cut, fold
perfect size for the boxes
stick them on
try to unfold them
to see whether u can close them up
adjust adjust
fold again
stick to the side
this is for the xmas tree!
remember not to tear them off
stick another for base colour
sketch the hole for sliding in the tree
cut the hole
insert the tree
like this
unfold them again
close them up again
press press squeeze squeeze
now the cute lil reindeer
decorate decorate
cut a lil hole on the deer as pocket to slide in messages
and done !

u can also add in more messages for fun !

well seriously, i sent this to my friend 20+days b4 Christmas, but then, he still havent receive it.

damn the postman for engulfed my cards for 2 years !!!!!!!!!
well, no more cards again for 2012 then !!

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