12/3, The day to attend a Japanese Language And Culture Camp organized by SMK St George, Penang. Its not a Sunny day yet not a Stormy day. But its definitely a freaking unlucky morning. 7am departed from school, only 15 of us and Pn Saw, by an old rusty small but air-conded school bus. When we were 'oversea-ed', the bus driver stopped suddenly and we were told that one of the tire was punctured ....
Howdy readers ! sry for disappearing for few week during the exam period ! My 1st term holiday has just started and I planned for some activities. 1st of all, I would like to talk about my 1st done activity : Handmaking Teddy Bear my youngest aunt is fantastic in making handmade stuff I went to her house on Friday when I skipped my school unexpectedly, I get 2 pieces of free polkadots cloths when...